Values Worksheet
Your organizational values are one of the cornerstones of your brand. A deeply held value will inform your actions and decisions. Before we begin a brand design project, we always look to understand these values so that we can use them to direct the design of your brand visuals.
According to Tim Williams’ book “Positioning for Professionals,” a value will always be debatable. Meaning, one could usually make a case for the opposite of your value, and there are probably organizations that define themselves by these opposing values. In getting to your values, it might also be helpful to consider what you’re willing to sacrifice in your organization—the areas you’re willing to turn down work can speak volumes about the things you hold dear.
To help you define your values, we’ve included two different exercises below. The first is a list of several sample values to help get you thinking. This list is by no means comprehensive and your organization will most likely value other traits that are not on this list. The second prompt is a list of questions excerpted from Williams’ book that can help prod you down the path of discovering your values.
Exercise 1: Sample Values
In considering your values, it can sometimes be hard to understand the difference between a value and a style or personality trait. A value will always complete the following statement:
As an organization, we value _____________________ .
List of values to spark inspiration
Balance – Creating a sustainable culture for yourself and your communities.
Collaboration – Combining varied perspectives to achieve the best results possible.
Community – Sharing responsibility for each other’s well-being.
Compassion – Feeling sympathy, care or concern for others.
Courage – Acting with strength in the face of fear or adversity.
Directness – Relating an opinion openly and honestly.
Effectiveness – Achieving benchmarks to accomplish goals and objectives.
Equity – Being fair and free from bias.
Family – Caring for and spending time with loved ones.
Freedom – Having the ability to exercise choice and free will.
Friendship – Experiencing close, ongoing relationships.
Helping – Taking care of others.
Individuality – Valuing the differences within yourself and others.
Innovation – Finding new and creative ways of doing things.
Intention – Acting in a thoughtful and strategic way.
Integrity – Acting in alignment with your values and promises.
Justice – Pursuing what is fair and reasonable.
Leadership – Motivating others to work towards achieving a common purpose.
Loyalty – Showing firm and constant allegiance to a person, ideal, duty or cause.
Mobility – Believing that all who work hard should be able to advance and participate fully in society.
Obligation – Committing to fulfill an act or course of action.
Opportunity – Having the chance to progress or advance.
Optimism – Moving forward with hopefulness and confidence.
Personal Growth – Pursuing new skills and self-awareness.
Pleasure – Seeking happiness and satisfaction through personal enjoyment.
Power – Having the ability to effect change and achieve desired outcomes.
Recognition – Being noted for your efforts.
Redemption – Creating frameworks that make it possible for people to develop, rebuild, and reclaim responsibility for their lives.
Responsibility – Being accountable for your actions; acting in alignment with expectations.
Risk – Exploring the unknown by testing limits; willing to fail.
Security – Having the tools to meet our own basic needs and the needs of our families.
Spiritual Growth – Seeking connection to a higher purpose.
Tolerance – Respecting the beliefs, practices, or innate differences of others.
Tradition – Valuing a practice, custom or story that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Transparency – Practicing full disclosure by providing access to important information.
Voice – Having a say in the decisions that affect us.
For more values, see Steve Pavlina’s List of Values
Exercise 2: Questions for consideration
In order to get a thoughtful conversation started about your values as an organization, it can be helpful to consider the patterns and characteristics in your culture that might point to your values. Here is a little food for thought:
1. What is the culture of your organization?
2. What are the things about your organization that you’d never want to change?
3. What do you fight for?
4. What are you willing to give up?
5. What do you do or say that creates advocates?
6. What do you do or say that creates enemies?
7. What kinds of business opportunities are you willing to sacrifice on principle?
8. What are things that you will always do?
9. What are things that you will never do?

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